Reinforcement Learning for Control System Applications

Student Awaiting assignment — project topic available
Supervisors Saleh Alsaleh, Aleksei Tepljakov
Keywords digital twins, industry 4.0, reinforcement learning, computational intelligence

This topic is about applying reinforcement learning to control systems including robotics and general process control. The idea is simple, but profound — having a digital twin of a given mechanical system or process, make a control system capable of learning the appropriate behavior model for either performing certain tasks while following a certain trajectory under specific constraints. See the attached video for several examples of this.

Requirements to take this topic:

  • At least basic programming knowledge;
  • MATLAB/Simulink or Python experience;
  • Basic modeling and control knowledge;
  • Experience with deep learning problems, e.g., having passed some TalTech or other universities’ courses;
  • Interest to work with Game Engines such as Unreal Engine 4 and Unity3D.

In case of interest, the student will be given a small test assignment to see if he or she fulfills the requirements to tackle this topic.

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