GPTIPS 2F toolbox for MATLAB is a fork of the original GPTIPS2 toolbox developed by Dr. Dominic Searson. The acronym stands for “Genetic Programming Toolbox for the Identification of Physical Systems” and “2F” refers to the fact that it is both a fork (of version 2 of the toolbox) and a functional update.

That said, the updated toolbox delivers the following functionality:

  • Preset Random Constants (PRCs): a subset of Ephemeral Random Constants (ERCs) the difference being that PRCs are randomly chosen from a predefined set.
  • Automatically Defined Functions (ADFs): basically templates that are seeded into the initial population and can also arise naturally during mutation.
  • Evolutionary rules: define rules for either outright killing individuals with certain undesirable traits or significantly decrease their chances of survival (alpha testing feature).

Additionally, a number of bugs were fixed and a serious compatibility issue was resolved for Matlab R2018a/b+.

The fork is largely a work-in-progress (although it is already fully usable) with contributions from several Ph.D. students gradually being integrated into the toolbox.

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